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Margaret Anton, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of the 2016 Bernadette Gray-Little Award for Diversity Enhancement in Psychological Research.

The purpose of the Bernadette Gray-Little Awards for Diversity Enhancement in Psychological Research is to encourage and honor students who make a contribution to the advancement of knowledge concerning issues that face diverse populations or that are of concern to diverse populations.

Margaret, a fifth year doctoral student, won for her work with Dr. Deborah Jones. Margaret has designed, implemented, and disseminated an evidence-based behavioral therapy program specifically tailored to enhance mental health in children from families at or slightly above the poverty line. Her work has already decreased symptoms of aggression and depression in over 60 families, and will eventually reach over 100. Additionally, she has disseminated and published these findings in several top-tier psychology journals (e.g., Journal of Family Psychology), reaching thousands of clinicians and researchers nationwide. Her ground-breaking work investigating how therapy for low SES families can be enhanced by technology has led leaders in the field to seek her out as a collaborator. Margaret is nothing short of an inspiring therapist and scholar, a constant mentor to other graduate students, and an incomparably caring and compassionate person. Congratulations, Margaret!

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