Dr. Eric Youngstrom, a Professor of Clinical Psychology, and Mian-Li Ong, a graduate student in Clinical Psychology, are the recipients of a 2017 Varda Shoham Clinical Science Training Initiative Grant, awarded through the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP).
The Varda Shoham Clinical Science Training Initiative Grant provides support for innovative efforts that advance the integration of science into clinical training programs at all levels. In 2014, this initiative was dedicated to the memory of Varda Shoham, who was a renowned champion of clinical science and a past President of SSCP. Winners of this award offer innovative, transformative, and impact proposals to improve scientifically grounded training. Funds are intended to support programs in launching new projects or to support ongoing initiatives that are designed to more effectively integrate science and practice into their training program.
Dr. Youngstrom and Mian-Li received the grant for their project, “Using Wikiversity and Wikipedia to Increase Global Access to Evidence-Based Assessment in Psychology.”