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Dr. David Penn, a Wagner-Martin Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology, is the recipient of a 2018 National Institute of Mental Health R34 Grant.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) uses the R34 mechanism to support clinical exploratory/developmental grants. The R34 award mechanism provides resources for evaluating the feasibility, tolerability, acceptability and safety of novel approaches to improving mental health and modifying health risk behavior, and for obtaining the preliminary data needed as a prerequisite to a larger-scale (efficacy or effectiveness) intervention or services study. NIMH intervention and services research is aimed at preventing or ameliorating mental disorders, emotional or behavioral problems, the co-occurrence of mental, physical and substance abuse problems, HIV infections, and the functional consequences of these problems across the life span.

Dr. Penn received a total award of over $710,000 (over three years) for his project, “Targeting Physical Health in Schizophrenia: Physical Activity Can Enhance Life (PACE-Life).”

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