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The Clinical Psychology Program at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill is strongly committed to promoting diversity with respect to culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, among others. We are committed to maintaining a diverse student population and minority students are especially encouraged to apply for our doctoral program. Minority students who gain admission to our program in Clinical Psychology are frequently competitive for prestigious national and university fellowships.

The Clinical Psychology formed the Diversity Training Committee in 1998 to facilitate training in diversity issues and to evaluate diversity training. The mission of this committee is to foster an atmosphere that promotes open dialogue about cultural issues and to develop the Clinical Psychology Program into an exemplary model for producing culturally competent practitioners and researchers. Read more about graduate student training and the goals of the Diversity Training Committee.

Our program’s mission statement states a commitment to prepare students to be sensitive of issues of diversity and individual differences in all work. The Clinical Psychology program is dedicated to the active recruitment of a diverse group of students and faculty. Our recruitment efforts to a diverse student population include our Diversifying Psychology Weekend and Interview Weekend Minority Brunch.

The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience also participates in the UNC Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP). The goal of this organization is to increase the number of underrepresented minority students receiving Ph.D.s in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences disciplines.

We support the University’s core values encouraging diversity and equal educational and employment opportunities throughout our community. These values are articulated in the UNC Non-Discrimination Policy and by the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.