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Curriculum and Training Experiences

The Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program emphasizes training in both research and clinical work. Our program offers opportunities to achieve excellence in scientific investigation, the practice of clinical psychology, and teaching. Students have the opportunity to select from training in two clinical tracks: Adult Clinical or Child/Family Clinical. Both tracks include training experiences specific in content; however, the general program experiences and requirements are similar across tracks. Regardless of track, students may pursue clinical practicum experiences at an array of sites and settings (e.g., inpatient, outpatient, community-based) including: Central Regional Hospital (adult, child & adolescent, geriatric, and forensic services units); Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD); TEACCH; UNC Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS); UNC Department of Psychiatry (e.g., Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders); UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (clinical neuropsychology); Schizophrenia Treatment and Evaluation Program (STEP); community-based substance use treatment practicum; Duke Stress, Trauma, and Recovery Treatment Clinic (START); Duke Child and Family Study Center; Durham VA Medical Center; and private practices. The most typical timeline involves students completing their training at UNC in 5 years followed by a year-long internship.

For more information regarding courses, please review the current Graduate Record nd for more details on the various training experiences related to research, clinical work, and teaching, please review the Clinical Psychology Handbook.


Adult Clinical Track Mentors

Abramowitz, Jonathan
255 Davie Hall
(919) 843-8170

Dr. Abramowitz studies psychological processes and cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders, especially obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and health-related anxiety. Visit him online: UNC Anxiety Lab.

Bardone-Cone, Anna
Bowman & Gordon-Gray Distinguished Term Professor | Director of Clinical Psychology
268 Davie Hall

Dr. Bardone-Cone studies etiology and maintenance of bulimia nervosa with particular interests in the roles of perfectionism, self-efficacy, and stress; sociocultural factors, including race, ethnicity, family, and media, in relation to body image and eating disorders; and defining recovery from an eating disorder. Visit her online: The Bardone-Cone Lab.

Baucom, Donald
Richard Lee Simpson Distinguished Professor
264 Davie Hall
(919) 962-5035

Dr. Baucom studies marital distress, cognitive-behavior therapy, and gender differences. Visit him online: Donald H. Baucom, Ph.D..

Bulik, Cynthia
Director of Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders
Neurosciences Hospital
(919) 843-1689

Dr. Bulik studies the treatment and genetics of eating disorders and body weight regulation. Visit her online: UNC Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders.

Daughters, Stacey
247 Davie Hall
(919) 962-9924

Dr. Daughters studies addiction, distress tolerance, depression, technology enhanced treatments, behavioral activation therapy, neural correlates of reward processing, and distress tolerance. Visit her online: Biobehavioral Research on Addiction and Emotion [BRANE Lab].

Dichter, Gabriel
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry
(919) 445-0132

Dr. Dichter studies neural mechanisms of core deficits and treatment response in autism spectrum disorders and affective disorders. Visit him online: Clinical Affective Neuroscience Laboratory.

Hallquist, Michael
Associate Professor
250 Davie Hall
(919) 445-2369

Dr. Hallquist studies the development of interpersonal functioning and maladaptive personality features in young people from a decision neuroscience perspective. Visit him online: Developmental Personality Neuroscience Lab.

Kirby, Jennifer
Clinical Professor | Director of Clinic Operations & Training
246 Davie Hall
(919) 962-5034

Dr. Kirby studies novel couple-based interventions for individual psychopathology with a primary focus on emotion dysregulation and eating disorders.


Child/Family Clinical Track Mentors

Dichter, Gabriel
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry
(919) 445-0132

Dr. Dichter studies neural mechanisms of core deficits and treatment response in autism spectrum disorders and affective disorders. Visit him online: Clinical Affective Neuroscience Laboratory.

Gil, Karen
Pedersen Distinguished Professor | Co-Associate Chair
254 Davie Hall
(919) 962-7447

Dr. Gil studies health psychology, chronic illness, acute and chronic pain, stress and coping, child and family therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Visit her online: Karen M. Gil, Ph.D..

Hussong, Andrea
Professor | Associate Director of Clinical Psychology
262 Davie Hall
(919) 962-6593

Dr. Hussong studies social and familial influences associated with adolescent substance abuse and comorbid disorders among high-risk youth. Visit her online: Developmental Risk and Resilience Lab.

Jones, Deborah
Professor | Director of Research Services
267 Davie Hall
(919) 843-2351

Dr. Jones studies the mental and physical health and well-being in the family context; the mechanisms by which families transmit risk and resilience; and, most recently, the development and enhancement of prevention and intervention programs to meet the unique needs of at-risk and under-served families. Visit her online: Deborah J. Jones, Ph.D..

Klinger, Laura
Director of TEACCH Autism Program
Department of PSychiatry
(919) 966-8183

Dr. Klinger studies childhood predictors of long-term outcomes in adults with autism spectrum disorder and the development of community-based intervention programs that promote successful adult outcomes. Visit her online: TEACCH Autism Program.

Prinstein, Mitch
Seters Distinguished Professor | Assistant Dean for Honors Carolina
240 Davie Hall
(919) 962-3988

Dr. Prinstein studies cognitive-interpersonal models of adolescent depression and self-injury/suicidality, peer influence, and adolescent risk behavior. Visit him online: Mitch Prinstein, Ph.D., ABPP.

Sheridan, Margaret
Associate Professor
248 Davie Hall
(919) 843-3182

Dr. Sheridan studies the neural mechanisms through which adversity affects brain development and risk for externalizing disorders; diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder in early childhood; and typical and atypical development of the prefrontal cortex. Visit her online: Child Imaging Research on Cognition and Life Experiences.

Youngstrom, Eric
257 Davie Hall
(919) 843-7265

Dr. Youngstrom studies bipolar disorder in children and adolescents; evidence-based approaches to assessment; and emotions in developmental psychopathology. Visit him online: Eric A. Youngstrom, Ph.D..

Youngstrom, Jennifer
Clinical Professor | Director of Clinic Services
212 Finley Golf Course Road
(919) 843-2074

Dr. Youngstrom studies evidence-based or empirically supported treatments; effectiveness research with children and adolescents; and transporting treatments into the community.